When all the companies which are performing awesomely for 3 quarters, suddenly go into heavy losses.
When the star performer of 3 quarters unexpectedly becomes a below-average employee.
When you find yourself analyzing your performance for over a year & ranking yourself while filing life-taking long analysis forms.
When simply performing your tasks per KRA proves to be not enough for a raise.
When you write and repeat the same sentence in long appraisal forms in 4 different ways.
When you keep looking for that X-factor within you to present to your manager about the initiatives you can take for the upcoming year. (Your pass to make you stay with a raise.)
When you may get a happy or not-so-happy face just reading an appraisal letter/mail from HR.
When you leap across the “company policies” and discuss HR’s appraisal mail even when strictly told not to!
When your manager reasons “You have to go the extra mile” to match the figure of your expected appraisal.😀
When you start looking for a change to cross the figure of your expected raise.
Of course, the times when some other company extends a warm welcome to you with a package they are not offering to their existing employees for the same profile.
And, that’s how THIS TIME OF THE YEAR proves to be the TOUGHEST TIME OF THE YEAR!
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